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Showing posts from June, 2010

Cerpen Pendidikan: Sekolahku di Pedalaman

Cerpen Pendidikan Judul : Sekolahku di Pedalaman ---------------------------- Sudah lima tahun aku belajar di sekolah “Budi Makmur” ini. Sekolahku berada di daerah pedalaman. Kondisi sekolahku sangat sederhana. Hanya ada tiga kelas. Dindingnya terbuat dari papan dan kulit kayu. Sementara atapnya terbuat dari daun sagu, atau sering disebut daun rumbia oleh suku pedalam. Meja dan tempat duduk kami terbuat dari papan yang dibuat memanjang. Papan tulis hitam berukuran 1x2 meter menggantung di depan kelasku. Se-kolahku hanya berlantaikan tanah. Kalau hujan turun, airnya akan masuk ke dalam kelasku hingga menjadi becek. Sekarang aku sudah kelas enam. Hanya ada empat orang murid di kelasku. Sedangkan guru yang mengajar di sekolahku hanya ada dua orang. Pak Nantan dan Pak Kurna, mengajar dari kelas satu sampai kelas enam. Dalam belajar, kami dan guru senang membaur. Seperti mengerjakan latihan misalnya, kami sering mengerjakan dan memecahkannya bersama-sama, dan tidak malu-malu bertanya kalau...

Effective Writing Tips For Children

Effective Writing Tips For Children In the learning process in the classroom, children must ensure that they do not miss any information from the teacher. They need to have special skills in writing so when the test progresses, the questions can be answered properly. Here are tips that can be distributed to the children, so they can write more effectively: Active listening Ask yourself, "What teachers expect from me to learn? Why? What did he say? How does that relate to the subject? Does it matter? Is it something I should be sure to remember?" Asking these questions will makes it easy to separate what is important from what is not important. Active Observing Notice the clues obtained from teachers and reading materials. Instructions in the reading materials can be titles, bold, italics, images, graphs, and diagrams. Several books contain chapters describing important topics. Look at the section and chapter summaries. Note the conclusion of the author or the teacher. Also, n...

8 Excellent Keys to Success

8 Excellent Keys to Success Each spacecraft has a system controller. The aircraft was not only filled with tons of combustible fuel, is directed in the right direction, turned on the engine, and sliding left very fast. There is a system that was built to control the aircraft during flight, maintain a good fuel that drives the plane did not rip the plane to pieces. Our vision - to make it a dynamic rocket - require system controllers as well. Bobbi DePorter initiators Quantum Learning methods, has 8 Key Catalysts as a system controller to achieve the success that we expect. Why is it called Catalyst Key? In the chemical and physical reactions, catalysts promote the desired changes. In the mental reaction, the catalyst acts like the kids the keys in the lock. Keys are designed so that we could not enter. When we are locked outside of these concepts, we could not enter the Quantum Success. We can not succeed without these keys. To get the magic catalyst reaction generated by these concept...

Canada Youth Exchange 2010

Canada Youth Exchange 2010 A total of 21 youth graduated from high school (SMA) in the West following the selection of youth exchanges with Canada. Selection is expected to be able to find young men who truly have the ability and willingness to become ambassadors of Mataram province. Thus expressed Youth Chairman Young Caraka Indonesia (PCMI), NTB, Fadlan Lutfi al-Hadi, the Office of Education Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) NTB, Mataram, Friday (18/06/2010). "The selection includes English proficiency, psychology, and most of all is to what extent the ability to understand the socio-cultural conditions of their regions," said Lutfi. Lutfi said, the 21 participants who followed the selection of student exchange programs with Canada, the only one who deserves to be sent and will be joined by participants from other provinces in Indonesia. Youth exchange program was facilitated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. He said that exchange programs have been implemented since many ye...

Pecahan Uang Rp 10.000 Baru

Pecahan Uang Rp 10.000 Baru di 2010 Bank Indonesia (BI) akan segera meluncurkan pecahan uang Rp 10.000 dengan bentuk baru. Rencananya uang pecahan baru ini sudah mulai diedarkan sejak 1 Juni 2010 lalu lho!. Berikut kutipan dari Vivanews mengenai uang pecahan Rp 10.000 baru tersebut: "Warnanya uang baru pecahan Rp 10.000 itu berwarna biru muda yang menggantikan uang Rp 10.000 berwarna merah keunguan," kata Analis Muda Direktorat Peredaran Uang Nasional, Zulfikar pada Pameran Uang Kuno di arena Ex MTQ Taman Rimba Jambi, Jumat, 21 Mei 2010. Zulfikar menambahkan, pecahan uang 10.000 baru itu bertujuan agar membedakan uang Rp 10.000 dengan uang Rp 100.000 yang memiliki kemiripan dalam hal warna. "Akan dirilis Perum Peruri pada 1 Juni 2010," ujarnya. Pada tahap pertama, BI akan menyebarkan sekitar 500 juta lembar uang pecahan Rp 10.000 ke publik. Selain pecahan Rp 10.000, BI juga akan meluncurkan uang pecahan seribu dalam bentu logam. Herannya, jika selama ini pecahan uan...

Again, Indonesia is GEC World Champion

Evergreen Team which is the representative of Indonesia in the event of Global Enterprise Challenge (GEC) in 2010 determined to defend the title won in 2009 GEC years ago. Especially this time Indonesia acting as host. "Last year we won, Indonesian children are able to make the world a problem solution. They have an incredible ability, "said Professor Yohannes Surya, GEC deputy chairman of the local committee in 2010. Last year, Indonesia won the champion by producing works about food waste including a plate that read slogans in order not to waste food and create a device recycling leftovers to be used as animal feed. NASA's challenge this year raised questions about the issue of family games in 2030. Evergreen team consisting of Rully Kaltim origin, urges Sukmadewi from Bali, Jayapura Emri Aronggear origin, origin Genewin Bekasi, Jakarta Halbert Chong origin, and Muhammad Galih Wicaksono Bogor origin is now racked his brain to make a product that can amaze the judges. ...

350 ADS scholarships to Australia!

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) again offers an opportunity for Indonesian students for postgraduate study in Australia. Like previous years, the ADS in the academic year 2010/2011 is to provide as many as 350 scholarships. Candidates must select the available fields of study among one of four priority areas of development. In Indonesia, the ADS scholarship program is available in three categories, namely sector "Public", "Open", and "targeted". Applicants category "Public" means employees in government departments, universities, and state enterprises, including non-civil servant employees. Applications must first be approved by the training division or the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation (BKLN) contained in regional or national levels within the applicant institution prior to the submission. Applicants category "Open" are those who work in private institutions, including private educational institutions, which can freely apply ...

International Standard School Will be Restricted

District / city governments need to restrict the establishment of an International Standard School (RSBI) in state schools. Restriction was made to adjust the budget capabilities of a region as RSBI operator. The existence of schools should be limited by taking into account RSBI regional capability. Law on National Education System requires a district have at least one RSBI, but the presence of these schools should be limited by taking into account regional capabilities, said Chairman of the Board of Education of Temanggung District, Milono in Temanggung, Thursday June 10, 2010. Milono said, in Temanggung County there are more than three International Standard School: SMPN 2, SMAN 1, and SMKN 1 Temanggung, began in 2006 and phase II SMP 1 and 2 Temanggung High School began in 2009. According to him, Temanggung County has three RSBI was enough, because in terms of five RSBI budget was too heavy. Although no funds from the central to the program, local governments must set aside assista...

Manfaat Kemajuan Teknologi

Manfaat Teknologi . Teknologi dibuat dan dikembangkan oleh manusia untuk mempermudah setiap pekerjaan dan urusan. Banyak teknologi telah dikembangkan dan membawa manfaat bagi kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah teknologi komputer. Berikut beberapa Manfaat Kemajuan Teknologi Komputer: 1. Bidang Pendidikan Dengan adanya komputer mempermudah bagi pegawai administrasi sekolah untuk membuat kurikulum pengajaran , jadwal pelajaran sekolah, membuat daftar nama siswa , membuat daftar nilai siswa , membuat absen siswa , membuat perhitungan gaji pegawai dan membuat perencanaan pengajaran bagi guru-guru sekolah. Mengakses Informasi Pendidikan lewat Internet. Seiring perkembangan jaman Internet telah merambah sekolah-sekolah setingkat kecamatan,sehingga akses informasipun semakin mudah diperoleh untuk kemajuan pendidikan tiap-tiap sekolah. 2. Bidang Kesehatan Mempermudah Dokter dan Perawat dalam memonitor kesehatan pasien monitor detak jantung pasien lewat monitor komputer, aliran darah , memeriksa ...

Kurs EURO - Rupiah Hari Ini

Kurs mata uang Eropa EURO ( EUR ) terhadap Rupiah Indonesia ( IDR ) sangat penting bagi kita terutama para Foreign Exchange Traders, makanya informasi Kurs EURO Terhadap Rupiah , dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Statistik Kurs EURO dan mata uang asing lain terhadap Rupiah setiap saat bisa berubah-ubah atau berfluktuasi, hubungi Bank bersangkutan untuk mendapat nilai yang lebih akurat pada saat akan melakukan transaksi atau membuat perencanaan (kurs realtime hari ini). Berikut Kurs EURO terhadap Rupiah Hari Ini (real time) dari berbagai sumber terpercaya, untuk nilai tukar mata uang asing hari ini, ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik. Kurs, Nilai Tukar Harga EURO terhadap Rupiah Hari Ini Data nilai tukar, harga kurs mata uang EURO - Rupiah, Rupiah - EURO diatas dapat dipercaya serta akurat. Jangan ragu dengan harganya real hari ini nilai tukar nya!

10 Best Loved Stars of World Cup 2010

World Cup 2010 South Africa’s party is not only successfully attract millions of fans round the world, but also female fans of cool male players. World Cup seems to be a 'catwalk' for the stars of the football field. There is saying good-looking. Some say sexy. Others say the sensual. To be sure they are all not only appealing to the game on field, but also figure capable attract every women’s eyes. Here are the 10 top football stars who could force the woman to watch the World Cup in 2010 South Africa, as quoted from page Hollyscoop. 10. Valon Behrami Age: 25 Club: West Ham United National Team: Switzerland The player, dubbed the bad boy is quite easy to spot with blond hair and tattoos on both arms. His physical appearance makes many people call him as Dennis Rodman football universe. His ability to run him into the first team. If your eyes are alert, fairly easy to catch the figure on the screen. 9. Thierry Henry Age: 32 Club: Barcelona National Team: France Looking at his a...

South African's Slang Words and Language

As in Indonesia and many other countries, South Africa also have a lingua franca (slang) that is unique. For those who wants to go to the World Cup 2010, please read to this brief lesson about some South African's Slang Language. Howzit. Greetings are quite common in South Africa. Is an abbreviation of 'how is it going'. Bru. The short of 'brothers'. Greetings used at close male friend. For example, 'Howzit Bru? " Yebo. Zulu language (one of the tribe with the largest population in South Africa), which means 'Yes', and is now used in almost all areas of South Africa. Jozi. Another name for the City of Johannesburg. Often also called Joburg. Lekker. African language which means 'extraordinary', 'fantastic',. Can be used on a particular person or object. Ag Shame. Expressions of sympathy or when disturbed by something. Eish. The statement calls for the time being irritated, angry or disturbed. Braai. African indigenous language that re...

Ten Old Players of World Cup 2010 South Africa

There's no standard formula that guarantees the age can be a barrier to achievement. In this edition of World Cup, the 'old players' turned out to prove; age is not a barrier! The following are ten players old Indonesian version that still has a chance to illuminate the surrounding. For the categorization of these old players are limited to players aged 34 years or at least born in 1976. Juan Veron (Argentina) 35 year old midfielder's Estudiantes La Plata has been giving evidence that age is not the barrier to be able to compete with the juniors. Evidence that he showed after two consecutive years, 2008 and 2009, managed to snatch the title as the South American Footballer. Last year he also had a big role when bringing his club won the Copa Libertadores crown. At this time the World Cup, coach Diego Maradona is still giving great confidence in him. As for Veron, a chance competing in South Africa has become an important medium also to answer criticism of Arge...