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Showing posts from January, 2011

Contoh Pidato Hari Pendidikan Nasional

Contoh Pidato Hari Pendidikan Nasional -------------------------- Naskah Pidato Memperingati Hardiknas Saudara-saudara sekalian !Yang saya hormati. pada hari ini, kita semua berkumpul disini untuk memperingati hari pendidikan Nasional, yang tepatnya jatuh pada tanggal 2 Mei 20... Saudara sekalian yang saya hormati, Dengan memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional ini, semoga kita lebih semangat dan bangkit untuk memajukan dan mencerdaskan pendidikan anak-anak bangsa agar berguna bagi bangsa, Negara dan Agama. Pertambahan anak umur sekolah yang cepat dan pertambahan lulusan tiap jenjang pendidikan yang besar, tapi tidak diikuti penambahan prasarana dan sarana pendidikan yang cepat dan memadai, menimbulkan masalah bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan “pendidikan dan pengajaran” pada semua warga Negara sebagaimana diamanatkan oleh undang- undang Dasar. Persoalan ini krusial mengingat beragamanya geografis nusantara yang luas dan terpencar dengan tingkat perkembangan sosial-ekonomi-kultural berbed...

Pelaku Pembuat Crop Circle Sleman

Walaupun sebelumnya sempat merilis siapa pelaku pembuat crop circle dalam artikel Fakta di Balik Jejak Ufo Sleman , namun banyak pembaca meragukan kebenaran artikel itu. Sebagai founder telah mencoba mengklarifikasi soal kebenaran kepada penulis. Namun seperti yang telah dibertahu sebelumnya, salah seorang tim konten itu belum bisa dihubungi. Mengenai Pelaku Pembuat Crop Circle di Sleman Hal inilah yang sebenarnya ditunggu-tunggu oleh siapapun. Saat ini masih dalam penyelidikan Polisi, jika merujuk dari tulisan rekan kami bahwa pelakunya mahasiswa, belum ada anak-anak UGM melakukan pengakuan. Mari sama-sama kita tunggu siapa pelaku sebenarnya, namun apabila benar mahasiswa UGM, founder akan membayar sang tim konten Rp500 ribu, walaupun sebenarnya sudah kesal dimaki-maki pengunjung sejak tulisan itu dibuatnya. Kenapa tidak dihapus saja? Jika dihapus pasti akan ada yang berprasangka lebih buruknya lagi bahwa pemilik tidak bertanggung jawab...

Klarifikasi Artikel Ufo Sleman

Seperti sudah diberitahukan sebelumnya bahwa penulis artikel dan narasumber hingga hari ini, Rabu (26/1) belum bisa dihubungi. Sebelum di-edit, dalam artikel fakta di balik jejak Ufo Sleman disebutkan nama Universitas tertentu. Melihat sekarang berita crop circle itu semakin liar di beberapa media, founder belum bisa menghubungi penulis meminta kembali mengkonfirmasi narasumbernya, walaupun ia sempat mengatakan sang mahasiswa belum online juga sejak terakhir chatting Senin (24/1) 23:30 malam lalu. Di sisi lain, Tim Lapan menyebutkan arah jatuh padi jejak Ufo di Sleman searah jarum jam menguatkan statement dalam artikel tim yang mengatakan padi jatuh searah. Banyak penggila Ufo tidak percaya bahwa crop circle itu buatan manusia, mungkin karena mereka belum melihat cara membuat crop circle yang katanya jejak Ufo itu. Klarifikasi Artikel dan Pemberitaan Media Berdasarkan artikel pada Fakta di Balik Ufo Sleman, ada beberapa hal yang harus diluruskan, karen...

Naskah Pidato Kesehatan

Naskah Pidato Kesehatan - Berikut contoh teks, naskah pidato naskah pidato berjudul: Mencegah Flu Saat Musim Flu Datang ---------------------- Assalamulaikum Wr. Wb. Salam sejahtera... Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu dan suadara-saudara, bagi kita kesehatan sangatlah penting, tidak ada gunanya harta berlimpah jika tubuh tidak sehat. Dengus. Tersedu-sedu. Bersin. Terkena pilek atau flu (influenza) tidak akan menyenangkan atau sehat untuk tubuh. Kita terasa sakit dan harus tidak menghadiri sekolah, tempat kerja dan hal-hal lain yang penting. Kabar buruk adalah bahwa tidak ada perawatan untuk menyembuhkan pilek atau flu. Kabar baik adalah bahwa ada banyak hal yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mencegah dari jatuh sakit. Ikutilah petuah sederhana berikut untuk tetap sehat sepanjang tahun. - Tutup mulut sewaktu batuk. Tutup mulut dan hidung Anda sewaktu Anda bersin atau batuk. Gunakan tisu, kemudian buang tisu tersebut, atau bersin pada lengan Anda. - Cuci tangan Anda. Mencuci tangan merupakan cara nomor ...

Contoh Naskah Pidato Halal Bihalal

Contoh Naskah Pidato Halal Bihalal Contoh Teks Pidato Sambutan ketua Panitia Halal Bihalal ----------------------- Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu yang kami hormati, Hadirin dan hadirat yang berbahagia, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya yang telah diberikan kepada kita semua, sehinggga pada malam yang berbahgia ini kita masih bisa diberi kenikmatan, sehingga kita semua yang hadir disini dapat bertemu bersilaturahmi, khususnya dalam acara halal bihalal, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Raya Idul Fitri yang berbahagia ini. Hadirin dan hadirat yang berbahagia. Saya atas nama Ketua Panitia halal bihalal, sudah sepantasnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada hadirin, yang dengan penuh keikhlasan telah sudi meluangkan waktu untuk menghadiri acara Halal bihalal ini, dengan penuh kesadaran, menghariri undangan yang telah kami sebarkan. Sebagai umat Islam sudah selayaknya kita berlapang da...

Cara Membuat Crop Circle (Jejak Ufo)

Cara Membuat Crop Circle ( Jejak Ufo ) Untuk membuktikan artikel sebelumnya bahwa fakta dibalik Jejak Ufo di Sleman - Jogja itu adalah tidak benar-benar jejak Ufo, alias hasil rekayasa manusia, maka seperti yang telah disampaikan pada artikel sebelumnya, melauan riset jejak Ufo buatan manusia, maka disini tim menampilkan cara membuat jejak Ufo tersebut, yang mungin juga ditiru dan digunakan oleh para pembuat jejak Ufo palsu di Sleman, Jogja tersebut. Video beberapa mahasiswa membuat crop circle seperti jejak ufo. Bahkan hanya dengan kurang dari 6 enam orang, Jejak Ufo bisa dibuat. Disini crop circle dibuat oleh lebih banyak manusia Nah, ini dia jejak Ufo palsu berupa crop circle, yang dibuat malam hari, agar terjadi gempar esok harinya. Semua video cara membuat Crop Circle atau Jejak Ufo diatas adalah hasil riset kami di situs video, jika ingin lihat lebih banyak lagi contoh dan cara membuat crop circle yang menyerupai jejak piringan ufo, silakan riset...

Fakta Dibalik Jejak Ufo di Sleman

Jejak Ufo Sleman Kerjaan Mahasiswa Faktanya adalah jejak Ufo di Sleman berupa crop circle itu adalah murni ulah perbuatan manusia, alias rekayasa saja. Para pelaku pembuat jejak Ufo ini tak lain dan tidak bukan adalah perbuatan beberapa mahasiswa yang kebetulan sedang liburan. Darimana fakta dibalik jejak Ufo di Sleman ini bisa terungkap? Dan apa benar yang punya ide kreatif itu adalah mahasiswa? Hal ini adalah pengakuan salah seorang mahasiswa dari daerah asal berada. Seorang mahasiswa MIPA di Jogja yang kebetulan tidak balik kampung ketika liburan, dan nekat mengikuti teman-teman di kampusnya ke Sleman. Menurutnya, yang sebenarnya mengharamkan info ini diterbitkan, circle crop itu murni perbuatan ia dan teman-temannya yang lebih dari enam orang. ''Kami yang membuat jejak UFO ini adalah anak-anak Sains MTK dan Pertanian,'' terang mahasiswa yang setahu saya baru tamat SMA tahun 2008 ini. Si mahasiswa memang cukup pintar soal Matematika dan gila internet....

America Atmosphere in Indonesia

Do you want a dream to feel an America atmosphere in Indonesia? Especially you who are Europeans or Americans, and live far from your home in United States, you can feel it easy right now in Indonesia. American atmosphere or flavor is easy to find in every parts of Indonesia, one of the places is in Riau province, exactly in Chevron area in the city of Pekanbaru. For those who enters for the first time to the area, you will feel different compared the other parts of the city. Chevron is guarded well, the officer of every Chevron gate is high disciplined. They do not let every person to pass or enter the area. Your car, motorcycle will be inspected in the gate or Chevron checkpoint. Come in to the area, you will see no garbage anywhere, just clean American style road is lying down to every corner of the area, the aroma, wind, road the house, building are identically America. Why? Absolutely this is an American Company and many of the workers and the citizens live within are Americans or...

Talented Indonesian Football Players

Talented Indonesian Football Player - He is still young and have big talent to be a big football player stars, grow as a football player in Junior football competition in Uruguay. At least two Indonesian young players have contracted by a professional football club of the highest division in Uruguay, Penarol, join in club junior team. They are Syamsir Alam, a Center Forward and Mochammad Zainal Haq a Midfielder, both of them is still eighteen years old and play for Penarol Junior. Initially, Syamsir Alam and Mochammad Zainal Haq are elected by a rigorous selection. The selection held in every city in Indonesia, two of them and all 24 players go to Uruguay and join Sociedad Anónima Deportiva (S.A.D.) in junior league in that South America country, Uruguay. Alam and Haq Are the first Indonesian foot ball players to play on a professional foot ball team of Uruguay, the highest level league in the Country. They are very potential. Why? Both of Alam and Haq are highly skilled as a foot ba...

The Successful Indonesian Forex Trader

Classic question that is usually asked by new forex traders or new investors in forex trading is that, is this business really give me profit, return or not? It is normal when a smart investor asks the chance of getting profit when they start to invest his or her money. Forex trades, especially newbie’s, have to answer every question wisely. But, it is suggested that do not hire any investor if they are new in forex trading, just trade by using their own money. For newbie’s in Forex trading, they have to believe that this business is promised return if they are seriously doing it. And the easy way to make sure is that by showing the trader who has successful in forex. So, who is the successful forex trader can be shown, at least their country's successful forex trader. Theo F. Thoemion, the Successful Indonesian Forex Trader . Theo F. Thoemion is one of the most successful Indonesian forex traders; he has been playing, trading forex for six years since 2005. Theo F. Thoemion is one...

Rate of Change in Money Changer

Money Changer, the place where people change their currency, has much function but it actually only has a main function as convert money to another type of money. Money Changer usually established their main business, offer changing money service only. But several banks accept their clientele who wants to change money. For the Foreign Exchange (Forex) traders, the existence of money changer is very essential. Because Forex traders need Money Changer as a media to change their currency. The problem is some traders try to find money changer with the highest rate of change; it is to keep their income maximum. Basically most of Money Changers set their rate of change based on real money exchange rate like in on going market. So, forex traders should not worry about this. Indeed, in some cases Money Changers have their own rule on rate of change setting without depending on market. For this case, Forex Traders will seek other money changers to get higher rate if they think a rate of a money...

High Return Low Risk Forex Tool

Many traditional foreign exchange (forex) traders failed in trading, and most of them want a high return in forex trading. How traditional forex traders think to get high return is that trade a large amount of money, which means they will also get high risk because if they are not exact, they will lose much money. Modern traders rather have good chance by finding out tool to cut the risk in forex trading, but still have chance to get high return. Nowadays, many sites offer tools which can decrease risk in forex trading although they trade large amount of money. It means the tools they offer promises high return low risk in forex trading. Actually tools such as things are software’s that used to see dart of a pair of money they trade. The movement can be passive and can be extremely dynamic. With the tools in hand, forex traders can watch every single movement of pair carefully, before they take an action. So what are the tools? Exactly, too many tools are available on the internet, an...

Interesting view of Dress up Lady Gaga

Game is actually as the main media for almost all people just like you to get entertainment view. It means that through playing the game, almost all players just as you will absolutely get easy to enjoy your time. Nowadays, it is actually available for you with several kinds of games. Thus, it will be something very easy for you to get refreshing mind through the games. Dress Up Games' link is actually as one kind of media for you to get the most interesting game in your view. In that link, you will see several kinds of game concerning with the dress up game. As the example, you can find the game namely with the Dress Up Lady GaGa and Dress Up Hannah Montana through that links. Of course, those kinds of games are as the most interesting game of dress up game. You can play the game by dressing up our artist, Lady Gaga and Hannah Montana. Of course, it will entertain you very much because it related to your memory about the performance of Lady Gaga and Hannah Montana. Thus, those kin...

RIM to Build Server in Indonesia?

Hot issue and topic in Indonesia right now is that, the Minister of Information and Communication is going to ban Blackberry service in Indonesia. The reason is simple, Blackberry through Research in Motion (RIM), vendor of Blackberry, declines to block porn sites and porn contents from their service. Pro and Contra come from citizens, young Blackberry users. Most of them disagree with Islamic Party Politician Ministry, Tifatul Sembiring's decision. Sembiring plans to ban Blackberry's service is reasonable; this is caused by the intensity of porn sites circulation accessing through Blackberry. The banning will take action within this week. Some institutions and communities looks agree to the ministry’s decision by forcing RIM to build Blackberry server in Indonesia. One of the institutions that forces RIM to build Blackberry server in Indonesia is Anti-Corruption Commission of Indonesia (KPK). It is not clear exactly, whether this decision is helping to decrease porn sites circ...

Contoh Surat Keterangan Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Surat Keterangan Bahasa Inggris - Akhir-akhir ini banyak pengguna yang mencari contoh surat keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, entah itu untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, rekomendasi pekerjaan atau untuk berbagai keperluan tertentu. Berikut contoh surat keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris : -------------------- LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION Number: 06/RED/RP/I/2011 Who is assigned below, we inform that: Name : XXXX XXX Birth Place : XXXXX, XXXX Province Birthday : XXXX YY, ZZZZ Has worked in our company since XXXX with the last assignment as a contributor and He/She has resigned from her job by own purpose, started on XXXX. During her working period we have found her to have a good loyalty, responsible, hard working and performed her duties satisfactorily. We appreciate her dedication to our company and we thank you for the job He/She performed. This letter is made to whom it may concern. City Mont Date, Year Company Name Manager Name Title Carbon Copy, Honorable to: 1. XXXXX 2. Archives ...

Barack Obama First Movie, Film

Barack Obama becomes the most popular person in the universe for recent two years, exactly when he - for the first time – ran for United States of America Presidential Election in 2009. Some books have written for his name but, no fim is created for him. He is really phenomenon, because he is the first Afro-American president in USA. The history of Barack Obama life is so long. One of his life journey has filmed by Indonsian director, it is the first Barack Obama Movie . Barack Obama First Movie/Film First film or movie about Barack Obama title is Obama Anak Menteng, it is called Little Obama, tells about childhood of Barack Obama in Menteng, Jakarta – Indonesia. The movie has launched July 2010 in Indonesian televisi as holiday program movie. Little Obama is a family movie about Barack Obama life when he spent his childhood in Capital of Indonesia, Menteng - Jakarta. Barack Obama movie genre is drama. The story starts when little Obama is nine years old arrived in Menteng, Jakarta. ...