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350 ADS scholarships to Australia!

Australian Development Scholarships for Indonesia studentsAustralian Development Scholarships (ADS) again offers an opportunity for Indonesian students for postgraduate study in Australia. Like previous years, the ADS in the academic year 2010/2011 is to provide as many as 350 scholarships.

Candidates must select the available fields of study among one of four priority areas of development. In Indonesia, the ADS scholarship program is available in three categories, namely sector "Public", "Open", and "targeted".

Applicants category "Public" means employees in government departments, universities, and state enterprises, including non-civil servant employees. Applications must first be approved by the training division or the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation (BKLN) contained in regional or national levels within the applicant institution prior to the submission.

Applicants category "Open" are those who work in private institutions, including private educational institutions, which can freely apply for scholarships from this category. Besides, there are several selection criteria and conditions that may apply, in this sector applicants do not require prior approval from the government.

Civil servants can not apply in the category "Open". Provided scholarships for masters and doctoral courses full-time basis at various tertiary institutions in Australia. This scholarship program provides language and academic preparation programs that can reach nine months. Applicants must be women and candidates from provinces which were the focus of AusAID's strategic planning is given high priority.

Meanwhile, applicants to the category of "targeted" are those who work in the institutions related to AusAID's programs or activities associated with AusAID, including government organizations, state enterprises, NGOs, civil society organizations (organizations), and higher education institutions government or private property which plays an important role in providing training needs for these institutions.

Qualified applicants will be nominated with the assistance of the office ADS HR consultant who works with institutions of the target. Nominated applicants shall be facilitated by the Australian Team Leader (ATL) or other designated representative in an AusAID activity.

Read more about registration information, terms, and the scholarship scheme can be viewed and downloaded at the site of this Australian Development Scholarships. Limit application delivery until next August 27, 2010. (Kompas)


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